Monday, April 19, 2004

I'm trying to eat all my food in a week.

Anyone out there who's ever moved knows exactly what I'm talking about. Rather than throw a bunch of food out, or take a lot with me in the move, I'm trying to eat most of it before I move next week. Beats wasting it right?

Well, this liquidation of merchandise leads to some odd culinary combinations and it has its positives and negatives. On the plus side, you get to eat a lot of food and not feel bad about it. On the minus side of the ledger, you eat some fucked up meals. Take for example, what I ate tonight for dinner.

2 pork chops
half a bottle of orange pop
1 Alexander Keith's beer
1 popsicle
1 handful of Reese's Pieces

See what I'm talking about? Emeril Lagasse would be proud.

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