:: Some notes ::
1. I've decided when I blog about my job, I'm only going to use initials for people. I fear Google. Alan Bass once found my site, and I don't want 'R' to do the same.
1. I learned the following things at work today:
a) Everyone in the editorial department thinks the way I've been treated in this whole job situation is disgusting.
b) With that in mind, on Friday after I left, one reporter, 'S', tried to convince others to go talk to 'R' and tell him they'd better keep me or else.
c) It's widely known and discussed throughout the office, apparently, that 'A' (old sports reporter) is trying to screw me around behind the scenes because she's extremely threatened by me because I'm a much, much better writer than she is. That's not me bragging either - this is what I was told today.
d) Nobody likes or respects 'A'. Everyone likes me.
2. Also, speaking of work, a fellow reporter told me today that everyone thinks that me and 'S' are the two best writers in the office, and are two of the best young writers in the whole company. ('S' is only 25.) That was nice to hear.
3. I never have to work weekends and two weeks from now we were going camping for Jenna's birthday. Of course, just to kick me in the ass, I have to work that weekend for ONE FUCKING HOUR, thus killing my camping plans. What a kick to the groin that is.
4. I've posted every day for most of this week now. EVERY. DAY. And Al thought he was so great with his once a month routine.
5. Mike, hurry up and get your blog online. I like having blogs to read. Especially ones that are updated consistently. Speaking of consistently updated blogs, I've got to hand it to Melissa, I didn't think you'd keep it up - usually the novelty of blogs wears off quickly (see: Low, Meghan).
6. My photos site should have been up by now, but the the ftp server is acting inexplicably weird, and things aren't getting uploaded properly for some reason. Hopefully soon though.
7. I apologize for this being the second 'list' blog of the week.
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