Friday, February 25, 2005


1. What has been the best "out-of-nowhere" fluke find you have made?
I don't make too many out-of-nowhere finds myself. Usually Mike makes them and passes them on to me.

2. What's something you find yourself "finding" repeatedly?
My keys. My red pen (at work). Also, I repeatedly find myself being awesome.

3. Quick it's hide and seek. Where is somewhere in your house you could hide really, really well?
Behind the ugly yellow chair I used to have in my room; in the closet where the furnace is.

4. What's something unlikely but possible that you would like to find selling for cheap in a pawn shop?
A Wayne Gretzky rookie card; A Doug Flutie New England Patriots Starting Lineup figure; and a cheap gun.

5. What is something that you have found yourself laughing at recently?
Sports Night. (Yes, I'm watching them...again).

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