Sunday, September 18, 2005

As some of the crew were playing a drinking game...

Kels: Hey, can I play?
Buchs: Sorry, no. To quote the scripture, 'No cunts allowed.'

"I wouldn't sleep with him if he was the last man on earth. I'd do the devil first." - Melissa. Can't remember who she was talking about.

If you scroll down a post or so, you'll see a quote from Ian (mis-reported as Jer though) about how you know you're old when you don't know people working fast-food jobs anymore. I had a similar experience last night, out at Blarney Stone with Melissa for her birthday. We were sitting there, then some girls from Melissa's work came by, so we all introduced ourselves, and then we all were talking about what we do for a living...

"Sports writer"
"Legal assistant"

For most of my life, I've been more used to lists like "Dairy Queen/going to school/drug dealer."
Just something I thought I'd point out. I guess it wouldn't kill me to hang out with older people once in awhile, who knows. Sometimes I'd imagine it'd be less fun - cuz I don't want to spend an evening sipping wine discussing RRSPs - but it'd probably be less crazy too.

Anyway, on to the weekend. It had it's highs and lows, but overall it was typical. Saturday night, like I mentioned earlier, was Blarney Stone downtown for Melissa's birthday. Me, Melissa, and Ashley started drinking in Burnaby around 5ish, then we headed to the Stone around 8:30. I hadn't been there in 5 years, and it's a pretty cool place. I had to leave a bit early though, but that was OK, better than missing out completely.

When I came home from downtown everyone was just hanging out. Nothing really eventful happened before I called it a night except Kels wouldn't stop blathering on about her shoes...and then she bounced around for awhile goin' "Wanna fight?"

Then I got punched in the jaw. Pretty hard (for a girl). But I got a few shots in...

Me (after a body shot): There, I got one punch in!
Kels: You didn't even hit me in the face! Body punches don't count.
Me: Yeah, but this way I get to touch a boob.

I could probably make another joke or two out of that conversation, but I won't.

Friday night was Shark's Club, and to be honest, it was nowhere close to as fun as the last time we went. I guess there was no hope of that place putting together back-to-back wins. Can't say I'm really surprised, but whatever. At least we got drunk.

Some of the Shark's events: Jeremy starting an arm-wrestling contest in the patio/smoking room; Sean being extra mouthy to random strangers, and then Sean snapping his cell phone in half, apparently because he was mad about something while arguing with Rachel.

Oh, and Ian kept demanding that I punch him in the face.


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