"The only rally I've ever heard of is the puke-and-rally." - Brad, after someone mentioned how we needed a rally to comeback in our pitiful ball game tonight.
:: Taking my licks ::
Believe it or not, there are times when even I say things that are stupid. Apparently, according to my friends, those things somehow never make it onto my own blog. To them I say, get your own damn blog if you want to post embarrassingly dumb "Nick Moments". Or, if you've got a blog already, then do as you please.
However, just this once, I'll take some of my own medicine.
Today at ball, for some reason talking about small horses...
Kelsey: They're called miniature horses.
Nick: They're called quarter horses aren't they?
Kelsey: Are you kidding me? Quarter horses are like race horses. You thought they were called quarter horses because they were a quarter of the size of a real horse?
(Cue laughing)
What can I say? I don't know a damn thing about horses, and it seemed reasonable at the time. Although now that I think of it, a horse one quarter the size of a regular horse is pretty fucking small.
Also, for good measure, Kelsey, Tara, Brad and some of the other jerks got me pretty good with a keys-locked-in-Kelsey's-car gag last week. They preyed on my good nature and helpfulness, but they still got me.
There, you guys happy now?
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