Sunday, January 30, 2005

What a great fucking Sunday.

First, my computer dies, and I've lost basically every photo I've ever taken with my digital camera, not to mention a healthy list of phone numbers, all my saved emails, all my email addresses, and every stupid photo/song/miscelaneous item Mike has ever sent me through msn. Which is just shitty.

I need to get a new hard drive, which will definitely not be cheap. Not cheap at all.

However, I can probably afford to fix my computer because I'm no longer going to Europe, because Mike doesn't want to go anymore. I'm fairly angry about this, and that's all I'll say for risk of putting my foot in my mouth later. Besides, I'm not going to get into a public shit-flinging argument with anybody, especially a friend, because that's just not cool.

The only thing that really sucks is that I have a grand total of two days to re-book my two weeks of holidays at work. And I have no idea where I'll go or who I'll go with, because none of the rest of my friends have any money.

That, and I was REALLY looking forward to that trip.

Fuck this.

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