Saturday, January 01, 2005


Regardless of how somebody's year has gone, at this time of year I usually hear people say the same thing: "I hope this new year is better than the last one."

I don't know why that is really - I mean, everyone couldn't possibly have had shitty years all at once could've they? Sure there are some rough years for everybody, and there are some of my friends who've actually had fairly tough years, for a variety of reasons, and to them, I say "I hope 2005 sucks less than '04". For me, though, 2004 will be a tough year to top.

For starters, the biggest, most significant thing that happened to me was that I got the hell out of the north in only eight months. And not only did I get out of the north, I ended up at a fairly large paper at home, which, realistically, shouldn't have happened. Getting a gig like the one I've got so early on is a pretty rare thing, and I'll be the first to tell you I'm pretty lucky to have snagged it. Of course, I like to think it's because I'm the greatest sports reporter in the history of the printed word, but let's face it, lady luck had a fair bit to do with it too.

On the topic of having a new job, I've managed to save an assload of money because of it, which means I can do all the stuff I'd eventually planned to do - go on some nice trips, buy a house etc..

There's other stuff too - generally 2004 was just a fun year. It was nice to be back home with the group, going camping, drinking and all that stuff. Stuff that I didn't think I'd get the chance to do so soon.

Considering how 2004 started for me - with me and Melissa stranded beside an icy Peace River freeway in -35 degree weather with no cabs in sight - I'm pretty shocked that things turned out as well as they did. At the time I remember thinking that the year would suck, that I'd be stuck up there in the sticks for the next 20 years, but things worked out better. Now, having that one frozen night doesn't seem too bad (trust me though, it was).

So while most people seem to be saying "This year will be better", you probably won't find me waving that same flag.

Good riddance 2004? I don't know about you, but I'm kinda sorry to see it go.

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