I was checking out my web counter/tracker thing today and I noticed something a little disconcerting - I've got 5 or 6 hits today from a computer connected to "bowesnet", which of course, is my newspaper and my office. The problem? I haven't been at work today.
Now, nobody at work knows about this blog, which I why I frequently say things about work that I wouldn't necessarily want them to read. I have my site bookmarked on my own computer, but nobody uses that computer but me. Unless of course, our new intern Jane is using my computer, which is fine and in which case I don't care if she reads my site. But there is one higher-up that I'd prefer didnt read some things I've posted here in the past.
The only way this person could've found out about my site is my snooping through my computer, which coincedentally, this person has done before to other people. So, if you are reading this at the Peace River Record-Gazette and you happen to be a full time employee of said newspaper and not an intern, stop reading and mind your own god damn business*. Unless your name is Ken, then you can read as much as you want because we're friends.
Anyways, that's all I have to say on the matter. I just thought it was a little bit weird.
*Yes, I realize by publishing things on a very public website, it's technically everybody's business, but shutup, that's not the point.
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