Monday, May 24, 2010

:: This is how you make a fucking sale ::

As a frequent Craiglist browser (but never an actual buyer... yet) I'm constantly amazed at the lack of effort people put into their ads. I mean, how in the hell are you going to attract buyers with ads like "Kitchen table, $200 obo" and then provide no extra info, and worse, no photo. I mean, it's a free fucking ad, the least you can do is put some effort into it.

Today I was half-assedly browsing for a poker table, just to see if there was anything really good out there that may look good in my future basement.*

*Hat tip to my poker-enthusiast buddy Jason, who suggested Craigslist would be full of really good tables for cheap, because, like him, guys buy super expensive, nice tables in their early 20s, but then by the time they're 27 or 28, they have a wife and/or kid(s), and they're forced to dump em off (the table, not the family).

As expected, most of the for-sale tables were shitty, but there was one in particular which was homemade and quite nice. I don't think it's one I'd necessarily buy, but I could appreciate the seller's sales pitch. He clearly knows his potential audience.

Some excerpts:

"... you will need a van or truck to transport as the rail IS sturdy but could break if you try to jam it into a hatchback or tie it to a roof.

Good tip.

"The surface fabric is treated to be stain resistant so when your tool of a friend spills his beer all over your table, as long as you get to it right away, it should come right off."

"This table is sturdy... If your 300 pound friend is too drunk to drive home after a late night poker grind and needs a place to crash this table will accommodate him... Yes, I'm sure.."

Like I said, this man knows to whom he is selling.

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