Sunday, February 05, 2006

"What you do is dip Rach in KY and say 'C'mon Sean, all the orifices are lubed." - Kels

"My mohawk is better than Jesus." - Jer

"He's brown. That's definitely below the food chain." - Kels, immediately regretting it.

"You know, you're the only guy here who I haven't seen naked." - Ian

:: Weekend Awards ::

Best Idea...
Jeremy, for "Hey Ian, want a mohawk?"

Best Answer/Biggest mistake...
Ian, for saying "Yes."

Best impersonation of a homeless person...
Bucholtz, for sleeping in his truck at 3 a.m. with a tallie on the dashboard.

Best nipple-related story

Best dare...
Bobby, for drinking a glass of Creamy Poppyseed salad dressing.

Best addition to the dare...
Bobby again, for downing mustard and hot sauce after the salad dressing to "get the poppyseed taste outta my mouth."

Best baseball analogy...
Ian and me, for "hitting for the cycle."

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