Sunday, February 12, 2006

"This is the first time I've ever showered while staring at Jeremy." - Ian, after hockey on Tuesday.

Pretty bland weekend, not a whole lot of good stories, or anything. Friday was lame, and I was home by 10:45.

Saturday was alright though - it was nice out for a change, so we went down to the park and threw a baseball around, then went out for dinner and over to the Scramstad residence. Certainly didn't suck, but seemed to lack our usual energy, that's all. I'm not even gonna do weekend awards because, well, I don't know that there were any. Nothing I can think of, anyhow.

And, as a side note guys, don't steal other people's shots...God that was an over-the-top episode.

As an unrelated aside, I heard the best band name on the weekend - some bar band in Vancouver is called Pepper Sprayed by Hookers.


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