Happy 21 Chris, you jackass....
Well, like I said in the previous post, we've got a lot of catching up to do.
For starters, yesterday (July 11) was Chris' 21st birthday, which we celebrated on the weekend twice - on Friday at Jimy Mac's and Derrick's and Saturday at Roosters. It was awesome.
But before we get to those festivities, we'll rewind to Thursday - Guy's Night.
Brad: Wow, she's hot eh?
Buchs: She's a stripper...so yeah.
The guys and girls in other little troupe decided to split up for one night, we went to a shady peeler bar in Surrey, Delanie's, to see the proclaimed "World's Biggest Boobs" According the the announcer guy, this chick (Maxi Mounds in case you wanna Google her) has size 156 MMM whops.
The girls also went to a slightly more classy joint - T-Barz - to see boobs too. And apparently the girls were the life of the party - which I guess is bound to happen when a bunch of young non-ugly chicks sit in gyno row.
Delanies though, was friggin hilarious. There were a few hot normal broads up before her, and then the main event - and it was worth it. After her little show, people could pay $20 to lie on the stage and she'd basically suffocate you with her rack.
A few people went first (including one chick and Crazy Eyes) and then of one us ponied up 20 and convinced Bucholtz to do it.
So he gets up there and lies down and proceeds to giant ginormous boobs all over him, then the chick decided to take off his belt, which wouldn't have been a big deal except for one thing:
Bucholtz wasn't wearing anything under his jeans - not boxers, not briefs, not even a burlap sack.
So she got a little surprise, and the rest of us couldn't stop laughing for a really long time. The best part? She let Kyle keep the $20. Must've been impressed.
Now, on to the weekend.
Friday I was off work a bit early and me, Tara, Kelsey and Ian decided to go to Jimy Mac's for a beer or two, and something to eat.
Then some more people showed up and that "beer or two" turned into four and a half hours of drinking and a $220 tab.
I couldn't even drive my car home - Kelsey had to.
Then we went to Derrick's and got even more shitfaced. It was fun for the most part - complete with the usual ridiculousness - although I took off shortly after 1 a.m.
The birthday boy, on the other hand, stayed. And drank 18 beers. The next day I had doubts that he'd survive long enough for Roosters.
"I feel like a monkey's ass. This is the worst I've ever felt in my whole life." - Chris
Roosters, of course, what the usual shitshow. On the plus side, I didn't get kicked out this time and Brad didn't get accosted and threatened by bikers.
Derrick was in fine form and after half a 26 of rye at my place and a large quantity of $7.25 doubles at the bar he was $200 lighter with more than a few motor skills impaired. Pretty much everyone was sloshed. A few highlights:
- Chris and Brad trying to pick up every chick they could at the end of the night. Chris would ask them to dance and when they said yes, he'd say "Sorry, I can't. I have a girlfriend." He also wanted to fight just about everybody he saw - including some sorry fellow in a red shirt.
- Jenna handing out the penalties - complete with the proper hand signs. Game Misconducts. Gross Misconducts. 10-minute misconducts. Match penalties. Tripping. Hooking. You name it, she called it.
I had to work Sunday night, and have spent the beginning of this week working (its been a shitty week at work) and getting ready for merritt. We painted the trailer tonight finally, it looks friggin sweet. Tommorrow is the last work day before we take off on Thursday.
It's gonna be awesome.
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