Saturday, October 22, 2005

***I forgot to mention the first time, but three more people - Tara, Amanda, and Katie - have recently started msn blogs. I don't know how often the three of 'em will update, but at the very least there are some good pictures there, so I added them to the link list. I also organized the blogs by my groups of friends - mainly because otherwise there'd be two Tara's on the list, and we can't have that.

Cleanin' up some biznass...

I haven't posted in a week or so, and I've got some old quotes and stories to blog about. Most are from Kelsey's party she had last Saturday.

"If I wanna stick my thumb up a little dog's ass then I'm gonna do it!" - Ian, tanked.

"That's not a fucking raccoon at all!!" - Ian again, after staring at a rabbit in a cage for a solid 5-10 minutes.

"If I wanted to get wet I'd baptize myself." - Brad, not happy about walking in the rain.

'Twas a good shaker overall, or a good 'Box Social' if you will. I remember parts of it, but I did drink a bottle of gin too, so that might be why parts are blurry. This weekend hasn't exactly got off to the greatest of starts. Work was alright Friday, I've got a couple big stories on the go, which is always fun.

Our Friday nights lately though, need some improvement. A lot of people aren't around anymore on Fridays due to work/hockey or working early Saturday a.m. So there's a limited crew, and not a whole lot to do. Some of us ended up going to Sharks but it wasn't very fun, and to be honest I was kinda sick of being around people, so I took off and came home to sleep. Lame? Maybe a little, but it was OK still.

Tonight, Canucks' game. Can't go wrong with that (I don't think).

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