:: I'm too lazy for a real post, so here's a bunch of links ::
I'm too tired and lazy right now to write anything of substance, but rather than disappoint you with no post at all, I figured I'd liven up your lazy Sunday afternoon with some stuff I've found on the Interweb of late which amused me.
1. A guy - clearly a genius - is unhappy with the service at his local bank, so he has decided to sue them for... wait for it... more than a "trillion billion dollars." This is so fucking rad I don't even know where to begin. I mean, you're unhappy with customer service? Welcome to the club buddy, it's called Everyone.
But on the other hand, if you're fucking crazy or angry (likely both) to sue for something like bad service, then why not go completely batshit, balls-out fucking wacked and request that much money - which of course, is so much that it's essentially a fictional number, even for the biggest bank in the United States. I mean, those Nigerian Kings in those e-mail scams don't even have that much scratch.
The sad thing is, there's a lawyer out there who will likely take this case - hopefully though, it's because said lawyer wants to make a few bucks in fees, and not because he actually believes he'll win. I mean, Gordon Bombay couldn't even win this one.
2. Another one from Yahoo!'s main splash page - some science guys found hundreds of new species of animals, many of which are near extinction.
I don't have anything witty or hilarious to say here, I just like the fact that, hundreds of years after people started scouring the earth for signs of life, and cataloguing the world's millions (maybe even trillion billions!) of species, they are still finding more. It just sort of amazes me, because by now you just assume that every single inch of the planet has been explored (and likely has a Starbucks on it, too). I mean, where are they finding that cool frog with the fangs - did they just flip over one last rock on their way out of the jungle?
And, while on the subject, I wonder how the scientists even know they've found a new species? I mean, there's millions - how do they know it's new? Do they have every possible type of critter stored in their brains? Makes me wonder if I've ever discovered a new kind of insect without even knowing it.
If I have, I probably stepped on it, so I guess it's a moot point.
And, on a similar topic, some other sciency expert has decided that Panda bears should just be left alone until they become extinct. This is bound to piss people off, mainly because people like panda bears. If somebody said the three-toed sloth should be killed off, or the Pittsburgh Pirates, I don't think people would be nearly as upset.
I don't have much of an opinion here either, except it makes me wonder why so many scientists spend their lives - and lots of money, too, I'm sure - discovering new creatures like the fanged frog, when there's some other douchebag scientist on another continent essentially saying, "Pffft, that's not that important. Let's kill it."
I wonder if there are ever any backroom scientist rumbles over things like the longterm fate of panda bears or frogs with fangs, that's all.
I like to think that there is.
And lastly, I'll leave you with this video of a French Bulldog puppy who can't rollover, no matter how hard he tries. My favourite part is at about the 13 second-mark, when he just appears to give up, resigned to the fact that he'll spend the rest of his life upside down.
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