Sunday, April 16, 2006

:: Easter Weekend :: (or the $5,000 weekend that was almost $10,000)

"I wish my lawn was emo so it'd cut itself." - Sean, with an old joke that still made me laugh.

"Chiropractors are all a bunch of pirates." - Buchs, for some reason.

"Let's go get stoned and play bingo!" - Tara (Yes, Tara said that.)

"Pictures are bad. It's like evidence." - Chris

Bobby: A little piece of me died right there.
Jer: I hope the rest of you dies real soon too.

"Anyone else have that awkward half-chub right now?" - Jer, watching porn

"I always like sucking cock upside down." - Buchs, horribly messing up a sentence. Horribly.

Not a whole lot shook down this weekend, it appeared by all accounts to be pretty lowkey - especially considering it was a long weekend.

The most important thing is that the Cannons won their first game of the year - unfortunately on the same night as the Canucks' season went down the tubes. Fucking Canucks.

The rest of the weekend was pretty mellow - for me at least, because I didn't drink at all. I was home reasonably early most nights, yet somehow I feel just as tired. I had to sign some papers for my house, and hand over a $5,000 deposit - so now there's no backing out, unless I wanna get sued, which I don't.

Speaking of the house, I was very close on two occasions to buying a big-screen TV and/or leather couches to put in it, but both times I held off. Basically, I can't decide whether I want a 42" plasma, or a 52" regular TV. It's a tough call, what with all the HD, ED, LCD etc options that I don't know a whole lot about. On one hand, a 52" is pretty damn big, but a plasma tv is..well, just pretty rad. Oh well, at least I've got time to decide.

Besides, I probably spent enough money this weekend with the deposit. Doubling that on a TV and couches may have sent me into some kind of shock or seizure of some type. We wouldn't want that.

Well, Jer might. Then he'd try and get my house after I kick off.

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