Sunday, September 12, 2004

What a good fucking party, or shaker, if you will.

The following things happened after we started drinking during the Canada-Czech game (awesome game by the way, for obvious reasons!).

- For once all of us (minus Jeremy in Whistler) were in one place at the same time.
- Slutty girls showed up.
- Hundreds of beers were drank.
- Gorski puked, then left to "walk home" which was far away. I don't know if he ever got there.
- Ian spilled half a beer on me.
- Ian got his ass kicked, including one hell of a punch to the left nut (by me).
- Ian passed out in my backyard on the grass then disappeared to, assumably go home.
- Despite leaving, Ian left his shoes at my house.

What a great fuckin' night.

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