Thursday, October 21, 2010

:: Brain freeze ::

Yesterday afternoon, I sat at my desk and ate a big bowl of ice cream. Somebody I work with had bought a big tub of it, put it in the lunch room freezer and told some of us to help ourselves. I went and got some and came back to my desk.

Being that my desk is in a high-traffic area right near the lunchroom door (the office equivalent of getting a table near the washroom), there were no shortage of people – from other departments, and therefore not initially told of the ice-cream bounty – walking by and making comments about my ice cream.

This was incredibly annoying, as you may imagine. Then, it just got plain stupid.

Guy, leaving lunchroom: Hey, I didn't see any ice cream in there!
Me: Well, it's in there.
Guy: Where was it?
Me: It's ice cream, where do you think it was? I've give you a hint – it wasn't the microwave.
Guy: Weird, I never saw it.
Me: Did you look in the freezer?
Guy: Well, no, I didn't.
Me: Can't imagine why you wouldn't have known about it then.

These are the people I work with.

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