Monday, September 11, 2006

On the toss-up between cheap drinks and school work...

"I'm studying. I don't have a lot of money. Scotty paid me the other day, but I did the responsible thing and paid bills with it....Paying bills and studying. I think I'm turning into a homosexual or something." - Bucholtz

:: Random Ramblings ::

For whatever reason, the topic of people having weddings on holiday weekends has come up in conversation many times for me lately - I can think of at least two conversations I've had in person, and then I read similar anger and bafflement from St. Louis blogger/bullpen catcher Al Fritz over at The FYC.

It still makes limited sense to me. And, as someone pointed out the other day - by getting married on a holiday long weekend, not only do you fuck over Big Long Weekend plans for yourselves and your many guests (unless you're me and plan to get married in Vegas with only a coked-out stripper and a guy in an Elvis suit who smells like gin in attendance), but you also ruin that particular long weekend each and every year for the rest of your marriage, which - for the sake of your social life - will hopefully be short, shrift, and merciless.

What am I talking about? Good question. If you get married on holiday weekend X, that would therefore make each impending Holiday weekend X your anniversary, so instead of spending said day off work at some peeler bar with the boys, or in Vegas doing jello shots off hookers' tits, or taking the boat out on the lake, you're stuck with your wife.

And while everyone else is off having fun, you're suddenly wearing a tie, going to some overpriced restaurant with an unpronouncable menu and bathroom attendants, and then you're off to the theatre to watch some horrid chick flick.

Or you're snuggling.

God forbid.

On another note, I mentioned yesterday that I added a pair of new blogs to the links list on the left there. They both rule to a serious degree. Being that I discovered these sites through Mike's blog, he of course, demanded credit. I, of course, refused to give him any.

However, today - for the first and only time - I will change my mind and give Mike his props. I do this only once, and only because he impressed me greatly today in the mocking of a mutual friend.

Sometimes Mike, you outdo yourself.

Anyways, as I was going through some of the old posts at these new sites, I came across a post at 123 I Love You which I quite liked:

"I’ve made a new decision today. It’s to be more cruel.

I’ve decided that I expend far too much energy trying to cater to everyone’s needs. I spend far too much time worrying about whether or not I’ve hurt/angered/insulted someone.

If I can do at least one cruel thing each day, I think that would be a major step in the right direction. It will show people that I'm not afraid to go after what I want. It will get me into the habit of just not giving a damn, and maybe it’ll help me pick up chicks."

I've wrote similar things in the past, but this says it better. Perhaps because it's a high school teacher saying it, not just bitter ol' me after I downed 11 Kokanees alone sitting in the dark.

Then of course he ends with this: "Some days I think I rule so much that the world can’t take it."


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